Social sustainability

Equality and committed staff

Through control of the entire supply chain, we ensure quality and supply security without any negative impact on human rights.

Wibax’ work with social sustainability focuses on always working for an equal, egalitarian and fair society, based on everyone’s fundamental equality, in contexts both large and small.

We also look at the society around us and how we can contribute to make it better for those in our immediate environment. Not least, the employees have a central role in Wibax’ sustainability work, as healthy, committed and motivated staff are what make the company successful.

Among other things, we work with: 

  • Responsible business 
  • Anti-corruption and bribery
  • Sustainable purchases
  • Sponsorships
  • Preventive safety work

Responsible business

Our code of conduct is one of our tools to ensure responsible business both here at Wibax and within our supply chain. The code has been approved by the Wibax Group management and is primarily based on the basic principles of the UN Global Compact.

The code of conduct applies to the Wibax Group’s employees, our suppliers, subcontractors and customers. Our code of conduct is available to all our employees and is also included in the induction program for new hires.

Anti-corruption and bribery

Within Wibax, no one may receive or offer customers, potential customers, authorities or other business partners any form of compensation or reward that is contrary to laws and good business practice. We also require our business partners to have zero tolerance for corruption via our code of conduct.

Sustainable purchases

Wibax works actively to ensure that our purchases are ethically correct and that the suppliers we hire must follow laws, conventions and good business practice. To be a potential supplier to Wibax, the supplier must follow and endorse our code of conduct or have a code of conduct that is deemed to be of at least the same scope as ours. The requirements must also be applied to subcontractors and subcontractors. This is reviewed through supplier assessments and supplier audits.


Through our sponsorship, we want to contribute to our community in a positive way. We see the sponsorship as a collaboration that should benefit both parties. Consistent in our sponsorship collaborations is that we strive for an even gender distribution as well as collaborations that benefit children and young people regardless of financial or cultural background.

Preventive safety work

In systematic work environment efforts, it is important to capture risk observations within the business in order to prevent the risk of accidents in the long term. We do this, among other things, by actively registering risk observations, both within our own operations and at our customers’ unloading and loading locations. We have annual safety days where the company gathers for lectures and group discussions about work environment and safety. We also work preventively with, among other things, safety rounds, safety representative meetings, work environment committee meetings and short conversations between supervisors and employees regarding the employee’s work environment. Something we call Walk and talk.