Wibax goes electric

In 2030, 100 percent of Wibax’ vehicle fleet must be fossil-free and electric – and 100 percent powered by self-produced electricity.

The circular concept of the fleet is one of our strategic environmental goals and a tough one for a logistics company with such heavy truck traffic as Wibax. 

To reach it, we continuously replace our vehicles. Additionally, we ensure that the infrastructure is in place through mobile and fixed EV chargers – both at our own terminals and out at our customers’ premises. 

Follow our electrification journey

    This is how we think about electrification

    Why is the electrification of the vehicle fleet so important? 

    When carrying out greenhouse gas inventories according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, we have identified our transport as the area that generates the most climate impact in our own operations (scope 1). By electrifying our vehicle fleet, we can make the biggest difference.

    How will the goal be achieved? 

    Partly by continuously replacing the diesel-powered vehicles with electric ones, and partly by building the charging infrastructure required to keep the vehicles rolling. Wibax truck drivers must be able to efficiently charge their vehicles when loading and unloading both at our own locations and at our customers. In addition to fixed charging stations at all Wibax depots, mobile charging stations such as our own WiCharge as well as fixed charging stations at customer locations are needed.

    What is the biggest challenge in reaching the goal? 

    Right now, the development of electric, heavy vehicles is going too slowly. We are ready to go and waiting for more vehicles to be released on the market. In the meantime, we try to do what we can to speed up the processes. Among other things, by cooperating with the vehicle manufacturers. 

    How will our own electricity be produced? 

    In February 2024, the company Wibax Energy was started, whose task is to produce and supply the group with sustainable electricity from its own, renewable energy sources. Exactly which source or sources that will be has not yet been determined. Our own production is of utmost importance as we do not want to burden the Swedish electricity grid further. 

    The goal is to build our own charging infrastructure and add power equivalent to what our own vehicles consume.