Code of Conduct

Wibax Code of Conduct

Wibax creates sustainable chemistry and energy. With our own trucks, drivers and terminals, we take overall responsibility from purchasing to transport and product implementation with our customers. Wibax’ vision is that we should be perceived by all stakeholders as the obvious choice among existing chemical suppliers. Knowledge, quality, safety and environmental awareness must characterise Wibax’ operations.

Wibax’ code of conduct is part of our responsibility for sustainable development. The Wibax Code of Conduct is primarily based on the basic principles of the UN Global Compact, which include issues related to human rights, labour law, the environment and anti-corruption, as well as the UN goals for sustainable development.

Business partners

The target group is our own business as well as our suppliers, subcontractors and customers. Employees of all those mentioned above, regardless of the form of employment, are covered by the requirements of this code of conduct. The above-mentioned counterparties are henceforth referred to as “Business Partners”.

Wibax’ code of conduct is available to all employees and is part of the induction program for new employees

General obligations

Wibax undertakes to conduct business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, both in Sweden and globally. We strive to constantly improve our social and environmental work throughout the value chain.

Our Business Partners are expected to comply with applicable laws in the countries where they operate.

We expect all Wibax Business Partners to follow this code of conduct and support the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. Wibax wants to build relationships with Business Partners that are mutually beneficial and that are based on shared values and expectations on how we act.

1. Human rights

Business partners are expected to respect internationally recognised human rights, take measures to remedy any negative human rights consequences they may cause and pay particular attention to any negative effects on groups or individuals who may be at higher risk of vulnerability.

1.1. All employees must be treated with dignity and respect.

1.2. No employee may be subjected to corporal punishment or physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

1.3. We do not accept child labour in any form. Minimum age for employment and working conditions are regulated by the respective country’s legislation.

1.4. Forced labour or involuntary labour is not accepted. This applies to both slave labour and forced labour in prison or work in general against someone’s will or choice. Personal documents and property may not be confiscated to force someone to work.

1.5. Business partners are expected to recruit and treat their employees in a manner that does not discriminate regarding gender, gender identity or expression, religion or other belief, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion or trade union affiliation.

2. Work

2.1. Business partners must clearly convey the terms of employment, in a language that employees understand.

2.2. Business partners must at least pay wages and benefits according to applicable laws, industry standards or relevant collective bargaining agreements, whichever is higher. Salary and hours worked must be documented in a transparent system that includes all employees.

2.3 Business partners shall value diversity and promote just treatment and equal pay in terms of setting pay, further training and promotion of employees, regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, religion or other beliefs, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, political views or union membership.

2.4. Business partners must respect the employees’ right to organise in a trade union. It is therefore also not acceptable that disciplinary or discriminatory measures are taken against workers who organise or join an organisation in order to peacefully defend their rights.

2.5. Working hours must be in accordance with laws and regulations. Business partners must allow breaks, ensure a healthy balance between work and leisure, and grant annual paid leave in accordance with applicable law, unless collective bargaining agreements allow exceptions.

3. Environment

3.1. Business partners must work to minimise negative environmental impact from operations, products and deliveries.

3.2. Business partners must strive to reduce their energy and water consumption to minimise environmental impact by setting reduction targets, monitoring energy and water use and reviewing the targets regularly. Whenever possible, renewable energy sources must be used and water must be purified and reused.

3.3. Business partners must prevent and remedy environmental risks that may affect personnel, workplaces, operational equipment and facilities, and the external environment.

3.4. Waste and chemicals must be stored, handled and transported in such a way that soil, water and air are not polluted and that the risk of ignition or explosion is minimised.

4. Anti-corruption

4.1. Business partners must have zero tolerance for corruption in all its forms and must not accept or offer customers, potential customers, authorities or other business partners any form of
compensation or reward that is contrary to law or good business practice.

4.2. Contacts with business partners must be characterised by impartiality and adhere to good business ethics. We guarantee the integrity of business partners regarding trade secrets and other confidential, business-related information.

4.3. Business partners must compete fairly, act in accordance with applicable competition legislation and thus not participate in any form of cartel formation.

5. Health, safety and working environment

Business partners must work to ensure that employees and others have a safe and healthy working environment.

5.1. Business partners must act systematically to prevent workplace accidents and work-related illnesses by performing risk assessments, hazard elimination and substitution, and by providing personal protective equipment at no cost to the employee. Identified risks and implemented measures must be documented.

5.2. Relevant first aid equipment must be readily available and there must be marked escape routes and exits to ensure effective evacuation. Safety information, warning signs and markings must be visible in all risk areas and in a language that employees understand.

5.3. Business partners are aware of the work environment and immediately report the occurrence of risks, incidents and accidents.

5.4. Toilets and break areas must be easily accessible to all employees. Clean drinking water must be readily available at no cost to all employees.

5.5. All employees must have accident insurance that covers health care for work-related injuries and provides compensation in the event of disability caused by work-related accidents.

5.6. Work performed by business partners must be done under no influence of alcohol or drugs.

Monitoring and Compliance

Business partners are responsible for ensuring that the contents of this code of conduct or equivalent requirements are implemented in their operations.

Wibax will regularly carry out supplier assessments. We reserve the right to carry out reviews/audits of our suppliers on site. The audit is a constructive activity aimed at ensuring that Wibax’ suppliers meet the requirements of this code of conduct. 

The audit process provides the opportunity to further develop sustainability efforts together.

In the same way, Wibax suppliers are expected to evaluate their own supply chain to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Wibax Code of Conduct or equivalent requirements.

Business Partners shall ensure that all affected stakeholders have access to complaint channels to anonymously express their concerns about potential impropriety related to the requirements of this Code of Conduct. The business partner must also have processes in place to manage these issues and remedy any confirmed cases.

WIBAX code of conduct adopted 2021-03-22

The Management of WIBAX GROUP AB

Group CEO: Jonas Wiklund