Code of Conduct

Wibax Code of Conduct

Wibax aims to contribute to sustainable development. With our own delivery trucks, drivers and
port terminals, we take full responsibility from sourcing raw materials and products to transport,
delivery, as well as product implementation at our customers’ facilities.

Wibax vision is to be perceived by all stakeholders as the preferred choice among existing
chemical suppliers. Knowledge, quality, safety, and environmental awareness shall characterize
Wibax operations. The Wibax Code of Conduct is part of our commitment to sustainable

Wibax Code of Conduct is primarily based on the basic principles of the UN Global Compact,
covering human rights, labour rights, environmental care and anti-corruption and the UN
Sustainable Development goals (also known as Agenda 2030). Wibax wants to build relationships
with Business Partners that are mutually beneficial and based on shared values and expectations
of how we act. We therefore expect all Wibax Business Partners to follow to this Code of Conduct
and endorses the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable

Business partners

This Code of Conduct applies to our organization, as well as our suppliers, sub-suppliers, subcontractors, and customers. Employees of all the above-mentioned entities are included, and all these counterparties are hereinafter referred to as “Business partners”.

Wibax Code of Conduct is available to all employees and is also included in the introductory programme for new employees.

General obligations

Wibax undertakes to conduct business in accordance with both global and national laws and regulations, including agreed international sanctions. Our Business Partners are expected to do the same. In addition, Wibax strives to continuously improve our social and environmental performance throughout the value chain and believes in high business integrity.

Wibax Business Partners shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that no violations of environmental, human or labour rights, corruption or other economic crimes occur in their value chain. Business Partners are expected to identify and assess risks and impacts in their value chain, and to act on identified risks and/or actual negative impacts on people, environment or climate in their value chain.

1. Human rights

Business partners are expected to respect internationally recognized human rights, take action to remedy any adverse human rights impacts they may cause, and pay special attention to possible adverse impacts on groups or individuals that may be at higher risk of vulnerability.

1.1. All employees and stakeholders affected by the operations shall be treated with dignity and respect.

1.2. No employee shall be exposed to, or subject others to, physical punishment, or physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or assaults.

1.3. Child labour in any form is unacceptable. The minimum age for employment and the regulations of working conditions are governed by the laws of each respective country.

1.4. Forced or involuntary labour is not accepted. This applies to both slave labour and forced labour in prison or work obtained in any other way against someone’s will or choice. Personal documents and possessions must not be confiscated to force somebody to work.

1.5. It’s expected that Business partners are recruiting and treating their employees in a manner that does not discriminate regarding for example, gender, gender identity or expression, religion or other beliefs, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual persuasion, political views or union membership.

2. Labour

2.1. Business partners must clearly convey the terms of the employment, in a language that employees understand.

2.2. Business partners shall pay wages and benefits at a minimum according to applicable laws, industry standards and relevant collective agreements, whichever is highest. Wages paid and hours worked must be documented in a transparent system that includes all employees.

2.3. Business partners shall value diversity and promote just treatment and equal pay in terms of setting pay, further training and promotion of employees, regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, religion or other beliefs, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, political views or union membership.

2.4. Business partners shall respect employees’ rights to organize into unions. Therefore, it is not acceptable for disciplinary or discriminatory measures to be taken against employees who organise or join an organisation or conduct collective bargain in order to exercise their rights in a peaceful manner.

2.5. Working hours must be in accordance with laws and regulations. Business partners must allow breaks, ensure adequate rest between shifts and grant annual paid leave according to applicable laws, unless collective agreement defines exceptions.

3. Environment

Business partners shall strive to minimize the negative environmental impact of operations, products and supplies by;

3.1. reducing their energy and water consumption. Business partners should strive to clean and reuse water when possible and use renewable energy sources.

3.2. striving for a circular economy, reduce waste production and have good waste management with sorting and recycling.

3.3. actively work to reduce their carbon footprint, preferably setting targets linked to science and/or SBTi.

3.4. consider impacts on biodiversity and act to protect it when possible.

3.5. prevent and address environmental risks that may affect the staff, workplace, business equipment and facilities as well as the external environment.

3.6. store, handle and transport chemicals and waste in such a way that land, water and air are not contaminated and in such way that the risk of ignition or explosion is minimised.

4. Business ethics and anti-corruption

4.1. Business partners shall have zero tolerance for corruption in all its forms and shall not accept or offer any form of compensation or reward to customers, prospective customers, government agencies, or other business partners that violates laws and good business practices.

4.2. Contacts with business partners shall be characterised by impartiality and follow good business practice. We guarantee the integrity of our business partners in terms of trade secrets and other confidential, business-related information that we make use of in our operations.

4.3. Business partners shall compete fairly, not participate in cartels and always act in compliance with applicable competition law.

4.4. Business partners shall not engage in, tolerate, facilitate or support money laundering, fraud or other forms of illegal financial activities.

4.5. Business partners shall protect confidential and sensitive information from unauthorized use and disclosure.

5. Health, safety and work environment

Business partners shall ensure that employees and others working within their facilities have a safe and healthy work environment.

5.1. Business partners shall take measures to systematically prevent workplace accidents and work-related illnesses by performing risk assessments, providing employee training, eliminating hazards, substitute hazardous products, and providing personal protective equipment free of charge. Identified risks and implemented measures must be documented.

5.2. Relevant first aid equipment must be easily accessible and escape routes and exits clearly marked to ensure efficient evacuations.

5.3. Safety information, warning signs and markings must be easy to see in all risk areas and in a language that all employees understand.

5.4. Business partners shall pay attention to the work environment and immediately report the occurrence of risky situations, incidents and accidents. These shall be investigated, and root causes identified and addressed.

5.5. Workplaces must provide good working conditions in terms of, for example, orderliness, hygiene, ergonomics, noise, temperature, lighting and air quality. Toilets, lounge areas and clean drinking water must be easily accessible and offered free of charge to all employees.

5.6. All employees must have accident insurance that covers healthcare for work-related injuries and compensation in the event of invalidity caused by work-related accidents.

5.7. Work carried out by Business partners shall be undertaken without the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Monitoring and Compliance

It is the Business partners responsibility to ensure the implementation of the content of this Code of Conduct or equivalent requirements in its operations.

Wibax shall regularly conduct supplier assessments. We reserve the right to carry out on-site reviews/audits of the supplier. The audit is intended to be a constructive activity that aim to ensure that Wibax suppliers comply with the requirements set within this Code of Conduct. The audit process provides an opportunity to further develop the sustainability efforts together.

In the same way, Wibax suppliers are expected to evaluate their own supply chain to ensure compliance with the requirements set in Wibax Code of Conduct or equivalent requirements.

We encourage suspected violations of our Code of Conduct to be reported to Wibax, so that we can take appropriate actions. On our website it is possible to make a report via our whistleblowing channel. Similarly, Business Partners are expected to ensure that all relevant stakeholders have access to grievance channels to anonymously voice their concerns about potential misconduct related to the requirements of this Code of Conduct. The Business partner must also have processes in place to address these concerns and remedy any confirmed cases.

WIBAX Code of Conduct adopted 24th of June 2024

The management of WIBAX GORUP AB

Group CEO: Jonas Wiklund